Aerialaires Gymnastics

Welcome to the home of Ozark Adventist Academy's Aerialaires!
Purpose: The Aerialaires gymnastic team is designed to utilize acrosports performed at a very high level of difficulty to obtain the opportunity to share our love for Jesus with a wide variety of audiences. We perform for church groups, schools, sporting events, and almost any other type of audience imaginable. We also present worship services, do community outreach and provide gymnastic clinics for other young people.
Objectives: Our goal is to develop a team unity that is centered upon our individual and collective relationships with Christ. We will develop into a close knit family group that relies upon trust in each other and most importantly in God. Each individual is accountable for the safety and well-being of themselves and others.
Online Payments - You may make Aerialaires payments online.

In November, the Ozark Adventist Academy Aerialaires usually attend Acrofest. Participating students will be away from the school for five days engaging in gymnastics clinics and exhibitions as well as learning skills to enhance their routines. Acrofest is held at a participating Adventist University. The Aerialaires also perform for other schools and churches during their spring gymnastics tour as well as performing in the Aerialaires Home Show during Academy Days weekend in Ozark's Gymnasium.
Acrofest Waiver
Acrofest Waiver - please complete and return to Coach Boyd, [email protected]