Testing Information

Throughout the school year, various standardized tests are given to Ozark Adventist Academy students. Depending on the grade, different tests are either required or encouraged. Grade levels indicated below are typical times to take these tests, though the ACT/SAT may be taken earlier than the junior year if desired.
Ozark Adventist Academy's High School Testing Code is 040-880. Our ACT Test Center Code is 171-101. Our SAT Test Center Code is 04155. PSAT, School Day SAT, Pre-ACT, School Day ACTand AP testing fees may be paid to the business offfice or via the link below.

Testing Fees

Below is a brief summary of the tests.


The Pre-SAT is the qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship. High-achieving students with excellent grades must take this test in their eleventh grade year in order to qualify for consideration. Because this test is only offered once per year in the fall, it’s wise to begin taking the test in the ninth and tenth grades to prepare for qualification. For students who do not wish to pursue the National Merit Scholar path, the Pre-SAT is still for you! This test is the perfect way to prepare for the larger tests such as the SAT and the ACT. The Pre-SAT is much cheaper (averaging around $18; it varies by year) than the SAT and ACT, and it will familiarize students with the structure of formal testing and the wording in which questions are asked. We highly recommend every student in grades nine through eleven take advantage of this inexpensive and highly preparatory test. ACT and SAT scores are likely to improve with just the experience of becoming familiar with the testing environment. At this time, PSAT testing at OAA is only available to current Ozark students. Students may contact OAA's testing coordinator, Lauren Upson Hosteter, during library hours or via email at [email protected] to sign up. PSAT fees may be paid HERE.


SAT exams are administered in a digital format. High SAT scores give students more opportunities to receive college scholarships. At Ozark Adventist Academy, we administer two types of SAT examinations. We offer Sunday exams and school day exams. All students who desire to take the SAT must make a College Board account. Nationwide, all examinees who wish to take the SAT on a Sunday must submit a religious exemption letter signed by their pastor. Examinees must submit the letter to SAT before they can register. Those who wish to take the school day exam may sign up and pay for test HERE. No religious exemption letter is required for school day exams. The cost is $60 and must be paid to Ozark's Business Office or online

2024-2025 SAT School Day Testing Dates

All SAT tests are now administered digitally. To register for these exams CLICK HERE .

October 15, 2024     September 1, 2024   
March 11, 2025    January 10, 2025   

2024-2025 SAT Sunday Testing Dates

All SAT tests are now administered digitally. In order to register for these exams you must submit your religious exemption letter to College Board. Only after this letter has been process may students register online for these exams through their College Board account.

Deadline for Changes
& Late Registration
August 25, 2024 August 9, 2024 August 13, 2024
October 6, 2024 September 20, 2024 September 24, 2024
November 3, 2024 October 18, 2024 October 22, 2024
December 8, 2024 November 22, 2024 November 26, 2024
March 9, 2025 February 21, 2025 February 25, 2025
May 4, 2025 April 18, 2025 April 22, 2025
June 8, 2025 May 22, 2025 May 27, 2025


ACT exams are used by colleges and universities to make entrance and scholarship decisions. Students will need to set up an account and register for the ACT at www.act.org. When creating their account, students will need a photo ID, the pertinent school information, and a method of payment. These accounts will enable students to access their test scores and send them to the colleges and universities of their choice.

ACT National exams are given at Ozark Adventist Academy on Sundays in the Administration Building. Students will need to bring their own calculator, a photo ID, and a printed copy of their ACT match slip provided during ACT's registration process. Test-takers must bring their actual photo ID; copies, reproductions, and photos are not acceptable. Students will be denied admission to the test without the proper form of identification. Examinees will also need several number two pencils and an eraser. Water in a clear container and snacks may be kept under the seat during testing and accessed during scheduled breaks.

Ozark Adventist Academy also offers ACT district testing (also called school day testing) twice per year. During the spring semester, all juniors are required to take the exam and the cost of the examination is included in the students' tuition.

In order to best prepare for this examination, it is recommended that students take advantage of Kaplan's free ACT practice tests and quizzes. Another opportunity students can take advantage of are the free ACT prep class videos.

2024-2025 ACT School Day Testing Dates

To register for these exams CLICK HERE.

November 5, 2024    September 10, 2024
April 1, 2025 February 10, 2025

2024-2025 ACT Sunday Testing Dates

ACT testing guidelines require students to register for the ACT Test before the registration deadline listed below. If students register after the deadline there is an additional charge of $36. If students attempt to register after the late registration deadline they will be placed on a standby list. There is a $66 dollar additional charge for registering at this time. This fee is refundable if the student is denied admission to the test.

Late Registration
Deadline + $36
Deadline + $66
September 15, 2024 August 9, 2024 August 25, 2024 September 6, 2024
October 27, 2024 September 20, 2024 October 7, 2024 October 18, 2024
December 14, 2024 November 8, 2024 November 22, 2024 December 6, 2024
February 9, 2025 January 3, 2025 January 20, 2025 January 31, 2025
April 6, 2025 February 28, 2025 March 16, 2025 March 28, 2025
June 15, 2025 May 9, 2025 May 26, 2025 June 6, 2025
July 13, 2025 June 6, 2025 June 20, 2025 July 4, 2025

If examinees' cannot make their scheduled ACT testing date, they can log into their MyACT account before the scheduled testing date and change the date and/or location for $42.  ACT reserves the right to close our testing center and change an examiees' testing location due to lack of participants.  This does happen sometimes, and they usually only one email of notification.  Please watch your email closely, or check your MyACT account to verify your testing location before test day.

Advanced Placement Testing

Ozark Adventist Academy offers AP (advanced placement) testing for Mr. Hoskinson's computer science course. Advanced Placement tests allow a student to receive college credit for excellence in their courses. Students who score well may be able to receive credit for several college courses (depending on the subject). For the 2024-2025 school year, the fees are $98. For homeschooled students who wish to take any AP exam, please contact our testing coordinator before October 15. In order to register, fees must be paid in full.

Please contact our testing coordinator via the link below.

Contact Us

Map Testing

The North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists adopted the MAP Growth test during the 2020-2021 school year. These tests and scores help teachers check student performance by measuring achievement and growth. Teachers use results to tailor classroom lessons and set goals for students. MAP Growth tests are unique, and each area test adapts to your child's responses to measure your child's skill level. If your child answers a question correctly, the next question is more challenging. If they answer incorrectly, the next one is easier. These results will provide a more complete picture of what your child knows and is ready to learn-whether it is on, above, or below their grade level. Since MAP Growth tests provide immediate and accurate information about your child's learning, it's easy for teachers to identify students with similar scores that are generally ready for instruction in similar skills and topics, and then plan instruction accordingly. OAA tests in August, January, and April. There is no charge to Ozark Adventist Academy students or parents for MAP testing. No registration is required. MAP testing is done during regular class times. Please check our online calendar for specific dates.


If parents, students, or community members have any questions about testing through Ozark Adventist Academy, please do not hesitate to contact our testing coordinator, Lauren Upson Hosteter, via the link below.

Get In Touch

OAA Testing Program

Grade levels indicated below are typical times to take these tests, though the ACT/SAT may be taken earlier than the junior year if desired. We encourage all students in grades nine through twelve to use the ACT Academy prep program. This is a free online prep program offered by ACT. The earlier a student gets involved in preparing for the ACT, the more comfortable they become with the format and the type of questions they will be asked.

9th Grade      

Ninth grade students are encouraged to take the PSAT test in the fall of each year. The PSAT is much cheaper (averaging around $18; but it varies by year) than the SAT and ACT, and it will familiarize students with the structure of formal testing and the wording in which questions are asked.
MAP tests are also given to OAA students in grade nine. No registration is required for MAP tests and testing will be given during normal class times.

10th Grade      

In October, we offer the PSAT to those who wish to take it. The cost is $18. This is the qualifier for the National Merit Scholarship program and is a good prep for the SAT. Tenth grade students are encouraged to take the PSAT.
MAP tests are also given to OAA students in grade ten. No registration is required for MAP tests and testing will be given during normal class times.

11th Grade      

We encourage all Juniors to use the ACT Academy prep program to prepare for the ACT. The cost is $19.95 but is a small price for the preparation they will receive. Ozark Adventist Academy will give the ACT test to all Juniors in April at no additional cost to parents, a savings of over $50. Juniors may take the ACT more than once, if desired, but students will need to register with ACT and pay the testing fee.
In October we also offer the PSAT to those who wish to take it. The cost is $18. This is the qualifier for the National Merit Scholarship program and is a good prep for the SAT.
MAP tests are also given to OAA students in grade eleven. No registration is required for MAP tests and testing will be given during normal class times.

12th Grade      

We encourage all Seniors to use the ACT Academy prep program to prepare for the ACT. The cost is $19.95 but is a small price for the preparation they will receive. We will be offering the ACT test six times during the school year. The registration deadlines and testing dates are detailed below. Students will need to register with ACT and pay their registration fees. The SAT is also available to students. Students will need to register for a testing date with the College Board and pay the required fees.