I stood there in the shower one morning in a quandary. My mother always said when serving the Lord, "everybody can do something." But when I looked at my skills and abilities, I didn't really see much.
So as I stood there in the shower, I thought; and I prayed. What skills do I have? What can I do for the Lord? The only thing I could think of was I knew how to use a camera. So I prayed quietly, just in my mind, and asked God if he would make me His photographer.
I didn't have to ask twice. In just a few weeks, I was working at Ozark as a photographer and webmaster. I never applied, I never expressed any interest in working at Ozark, never had an interview, and truly, I never even considered it.
I was starting to see when God answers prayer, He doesn't need any help.
And now as my fifth year working at Ozark heads toward the rearview mirror, I think I am even more amazed than when I first started. So often, I see God answering prayer before I have even prayed, sending what I need before I even knew to ask. This continual and often unexpected help constantly impresses me with how much God loves this school and how much he loves these kids.
All the trips, tours, activities, and things happening on our campus are not about us. It's not about anything we are doing, but it's all about what God is doing. We are simply tools in his toolbelt; left to ourselves we are unable to accomplish any task. That's why this magazine is called The Upward Look. Because we are constantly looking upward, for He's the one who holds the tool.